** indicates (co-) supervizion
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Pre-prints (not yet reviewed)
Fourtune L.**, Prunier J.G.,** Mathieu-Begne E.**, Canto N., Veyssières C., Loot G. and Blanchet S. (2018) Intraspecific genetic and phenotypic diversity: parallel processes and correlated patterns?. BioRxiv. https://doi.org//10.1101/288357
136) Castagné P.,** Martignac F., Santoul F., Blanchet S. and Loot G. (2025) Development of a duplex ddPCR assay for detection of the endangered European eels in the diet of the invasive European catfish. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. In press. https://doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2024020
135) Fargeot L.**, Poesy C., Lefort M., Prunier J.P.G.**, Krick M., Verdonck V.**, Veyssière C., Richard M., Legrand D., Loot G. and Blanchet S. (2025) Genetic diversity affects ecosystem functions across tropphic levels as much as species diversity, but in an opposite direction. ELife. Reviewed Preprint. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.100041.1
134) Richard, M., Garreau A., Bestion E., Cucherousset J., Montoya J.M. and Blanchet S. (2025) The Aquatic Metatron: A large-scale experimental facility to study the combined effects of habitat fragmentation and climate change on aquatic meta-ecosystems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. In press. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.14431
135) Fargeot L.**, Poesy C., Lefort M., Prunier J.P.G.**, Krick M., Verdonck V.**, Veyssière C., Richard M., Legrand D., Loot G. and Blanchet S. (2025) Genetic diversity affects ecosystem functions across tropphic levels as much as species diversity, but in an opposite direction. ELife. Reviewed Preprint. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.100041.1
134) Richard, M., Garreau A., Bestion E., Cucherousset J., Montoya J.M. and Blanchet S. (2025) The Aquatic Metatron: A large-scale experimental facility to study the combined effects of habitat fragmentation and climate change on aquatic meta-ecosystems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. In press. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.14431
133) Deluen M.**, Loot G., Bertrand R., Aubret F., Valentini A., Calvez O., Delmas C., Le Chevalier H., Muratet J., Pottier G., Ribéron A., Rolet S., Dubut V., Trochet A. and Blanchet S. (2024) Development of an environmental and faecal DNA tool for monitoring the spatial distribution and fish predation on the mountain amphibian Calotriton asper. Aquatic Conservation. 34: e70034. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.70034
132) Duval, E.**, Blanchet S., Quéméré E., Jacquin L., Veyssière C. and Loot G. (2024) When does a parasite become a disease? eDNA unravels complex host-pathogen dynamics across environmental stress gradients in wild salmonid populations. Science of the Total Environment. 946, 174367. Corresponding author.
131) Bazin, S., Morla, J., Diouloufet, V., Molina, A., Peroux, T., Lassus, R., Montoya J.M., Blanchet S., Edeline, E., Jacquet, S., Rasconi, S., Fayolle, S., Campana, M., Zambeaux, T., Leclerc, C., Daufresne, M. and Sentis, A. (2024) Direct effect of artificial warming on communities is stronger than its indirect effect through body mass reduction. Oikos. In press
130) Diot, A., Groth, G., Blanchet S., and Chervin, C.. (2024) Responses of animals and plants to physiological doses of ethanol: a molecular messenger of hypoxia? The FEBS journal. 291: 1102-1110
129) Marques, V., Blanchet S., Loot G., Miaud C., Planes S., Peyran C., Arnal V., Calvet C., Pioch S. and Manel S. (2024) Optimizing detectability of the endagered fan mussel using eDNA and ddPCR. Ecology and Evolution. 14: e10807
128) Langford N.**, Fargeot L.** and Blanchet S. (2024) Spatial covariation between genetic and epigenetic diversity in wild plant and animal populations: a meta-analysis. The Journal of Experimental BIology. 7: 227(suppl 1): jeb246009
132) Duval, E.**, Blanchet S., Quéméré E., Jacquin L., Veyssière C. and Loot G. (2024) When does a parasite become a disease? eDNA unravels complex host-pathogen dynamics across environmental stress gradients in wild salmonid populations. Science of the Total Environment. 946, 174367. Corresponding author.
131) Bazin, S., Morla, J., Diouloufet, V., Molina, A., Peroux, T., Lassus, R., Montoya J.M., Blanchet S., Edeline, E., Jacquet, S., Rasconi, S., Fayolle, S., Campana, M., Zambeaux, T., Leclerc, C., Daufresne, M. and Sentis, A. (2024) Direct effect of artificial warming on communities is stronger than its indirect effect through body mass reduction. Oikos. In press
130) Diot, A., Groth, G., Blanchet S., and Chervin, C.. (2024) Responses of animals and plants to physiological doses of ethanol: a molecular messenger of hypoxia? The FEBS journal. 291: 1102-1110
129) Marques, V., Blanchet S., Loot G., Miaud C., Planes S., Peyran C., Arnal V., Calvet C., Pioch S. and Manel S. (2024) Optimizing detectability of the endagered fan mussel using eDNA and ddPCR. Ecology and Evolution. 14: e10807
128) Langford N.**, Fargeot L.** and Blanchet S. (2024) Spatial covariation between genetic and epigenetic diversity in wild plant and animal populations: a meta-analysis. The Journal of Experimental BIology. 7: 227(suppl 1): jeb246009
127) Prunier J.P.G.**, Chevalier M., Raffard A., Loot G., Poulet N. and Blanchet S. (2023) Genetic erosion reduces biomass temporal stability in wild fish populations. Nature Communications. 4362
126) Gouthier L., Duval E.**, Blanchet S., Veyssière C., Loot G., Galan M., Quéméré E. and Jacquin L. (2023). Spatial patterns of neutral and functional genetic variations along dendritic network of riverscape in wild brown trout populations. Diversity. 15: 784
125) Blanchet S., Fargeot L.** and Raffard A. (2023). Phylogenetically-conserved candidate genes unify biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships and eco-evolutionary dynamics across biological scales. Molecular Ecology. 32: 4467-4481 (co-first authors)
124) Prunier J.G.**, Veyssière C., Loot G., and Blanchet S. (2023). Comparing the utility of microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms in conservation genetics: insights from a study on two freshwater fish species in France. Diversity. 15: 681
123) Fargeot L.**, Poésy C., Lefort M., Prunier J., Veyssières C., Richard M., Mercier C., Sautreuil M., Huberson N., Langford N., Legrand D., Loot G. & Blanchet S. (2023) Genomic and species diversity patterns across multiple trophic levels in riverscapes. Oikos. 9: e10015
122) Delord C., Petit E., Blanchet S., Longin G., Rinaldo R., Vigouroux R., Roussel J.M., Le Bail P.Y. and Launey S. (2023) Contrast in riverscape patterns of intraspecific genetic variation in a diverse Neotropical fish community of high conservation value. Heredity. 131: 1-14
121) Castagné P.**, Paz-Vinas I., Boulêtreau S., Ferriol J., Loot G., Veyssière C., Arlinghaus R., Chiarello M., Garcia-Berthou, E., Horky P., Nicolas D., Nocita A., Nordhal O., Ovidio M., Ribeiro F., Slavik O., Blanchet S. , and Santoul F. (2023) Patterns of genetic variation in native and non-native populations of European catfish Silurus glanis across Europe Biodiversity and Conservation. 32: 2127-2147
120) Mathieu-Bégné E.**, Blanchet S. , Rey O., Toulza E., Veyssière C., Lefort M., Manzi S., Scelci O., and Loot G. (2023) A longitudinal survey in the wild reveals major shifts on fish host microbiota after parasite infection. Molecular Ecology. 32: 3014-3024
119) Prunier JPG.**, Loot G., Veyssière C., Poulet N., and Blanchet S. (2023) A novel operational index reveals rapid recovery of genetic connectivity in freshwater fish species after riverine restoration. Conservation Letters. 16: é12639
118) Raffard A.**, Cucherousset J., Santoul F., Di Gesu L., and Blanchet S. (2023) Climate and intraspecific variation in a consumer species drive ecosystem multifuntionality. Oikos. 6: e09686
126) Gouthier L., Duval E.**, Blanchet S., Veyssière C., Loot G., Galan M., Quéméré E. and Jacquin L. (2023). Spatial patterns of neutral and functional genetic variations along dendritic network of riverscape in wild brown trout populations. Diversity. 15: 784
125) Blanchet S., Fargeot L.** and Raffard A. (2023). Phylogenetically-conserved candidate genes unify biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships and eco-evolutionary dynamics across biological scales. Molecular Ecology. 32: 4467-4481 (co-first authors)
124) Prunier J.G.**, Veyssière C., Loot G., and Blanchet S. (2023). Comparing the utility of microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms in conservation genetics: insights from a study on two freshwater fish species in France. Diversity. 15: 681
123) Fargeot L.**, Poésy C., Lefort M., Prunier J., Veyssières C., Richard M., Mercier C., Sautreuil M., Huberson N., Langford N., Legrand D., Loot G. & Blanchet S. (2023) Genomic and species diversity patterns across multiple trophic levels in riverscapes. Oikos. 9: e10015
122) Delord C., Petit E., Blanchet S., Longin G., Rinaldo R., Vigouroux R., Roussel J.M., Le Bail P.Y. and Launey S. (2023) Contrast in riverscape patterns of intraspecific genetic variation in a diverse Neotropical fish community of high conservation value. Heredity. 131: 1-14
121) Castagné P.**, Paz-Vinas I., Boulêtreau S., Ferriol J., Loot G., Veyssière C., Arlinghaus R., Chiarello M., Garcia-Berthou, E., Horky P., Nicolas D., Nocita A., Nordhal O., Ovidio M., Ribeiro F., Slavik O., Blanchet S. , and Santoul F. (2023) Patterns of genetic variation in native and non-native populations of European catfish Silurus glanis across Europe Biodiversity and Conservation. 32: 2127-2147
120) Mathieu-Bégné E.**, Blanchet S. , Rey O., Toulza E., Veyssière C., Lefort M., Manzi S., Scelci O., and Loot G. (2023) A longitudinal survey in the wild reveals major shifts on fish host microbiota after parasite infection. Molecular Ecology. 32: 3014-3024
119) Prunier JPG.**, Loot G., Veyssière C., Poulet N., and Blanchet S. (2023) A novel operational index reveals rapid recovery of genetic connectivity in freshwater fish species after riverine restoration. Conservation Letters. 16: é12639
118) Raffard A.**, Cucherousset J., Santoul F., Di Gesu L., and Blanchet S. (2023) Climate and intraspecific variation in a consumer species drive ecosystem multifuntionality. Oikos. 6: e09686
117) Cote J., .Dahirel M., Schtickselle N., Altermatt A., Ansart A., Blanchet S., Chaine A., Dahirel M., De Laender F., De Raedt J., di Gesu L., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Laurent E., Little, CJ., Madec L., Manzi F., Masier S., Pellerin F., Pennekamp F., Therry L.**, Vong A., Winandy L., Bonte, D., Fronhofer E.A. and Legrand D (2022) Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: a cross-species experiment. Ecology Letters. 2: 1859-1863
116) Duval E.**, Quéméré E., Loot G., Jacquin L., Veyssière C. and Blanchet S. (2022) A multifaceted index of population health to detect risk-prone populations and underlying stressors in wildlife. Biological Conservation. 274: 109-706.
115) Prunier J.**, Saint-Pé K.**, Tissot L., Poulet N., Marselli G., Veyssière C. and Blanchet S. (2022) Captive-bred ancestry affects spatial patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation in brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 32: 1529-1543.
114) Mathieu-Bégné E.**, Blanchet S., Mirra G., Le Potier C., Loot G. and Rey O. (2022) Transcriptomic adjustments in a freshwater ectoparasite reveal the role of molecular plasticity for parasite host shift. Genes. 13: 3
113) Brazier T., Cheriff E., Martin J.F., Gilles A., Blanchet S., Zhao Y., Combe M., McCairns R.J.S and Gozlan R.E. (2022) The influence of native populations' genetic history on the reconstruction of invasion routes: The case of a highly invasive aquatic species. Biological Invasions. 24: 2399-2420
112) Mathieu-Bégné E.**, Blanchet S., Rey O., Scelci O., Poésy C., Marselli G. and Loot G. (2022) A fine-scale analysis reveals microgeographic hotspots maximizing infection rate between a parasite and its fish host. Functional Ecology. 36: 380-391
111) Deluen M.**, Blanchet, S., Aubret F., Trochet A., Gangloff E.J., Guillaume O., Le Chevalier H., Calvez O., Carle C., Genty L., Arrondeau G., Cazale L., Kouyoumdjian L., Ribéron A., Bertrand R. (2022) Impacts of temperature on O2 consumption of the Pyrenean brook newt (Calotriton asper) from populations along an elevational gradient. Journal of Thermal Biology. 103: 103166
116) Duval E.**, Quéméré E., Loot G., Jacquin L., Veyssière C. and Blanchet S. (2022) A multifaceted index of population health to detect risk-prone populations and underlying stressors in wildlife. Biological Conservation. 274: 109-706.
115) Prunier J.**, Saint-Pé K.**, Tissot L., Poulet N., Marselli G., Veyssière C. and Blanchet S. (2022) Captive-bred ancestry affects spatial patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation in brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 32: 1529-1543.
114) Mathieu-Bégné E.**, Blanchet S., Mirra G., Le Potier C., Loot G. and Rey O. (2022) Transcriptomic adjustments in a freshwater ectoparasite reveal the role of molecular plasticity for parasite host shift. Genes. 13: 3
113) Brazier T., Cheriff E., Martin J.F., Gilles A., Blanchet S., Zhao Y., Combe M., McCairns R.J.S and Gozlan R.E. (2022) The influence of native populations' genetic history on the reconstruction of invasion routes: The case of a highly invasive aquatic species. Biological Invasions. 24: 2399-2420
112) Mathieu-Bégné E.**, Blanchet S., Rey O., Scelci O., Poésy C., Marselli G. and Loot G. (2022) A fine-scale analysis reveals microgeographic hotspots maximizing infection rate between a parasite and its fish host. Functional Ecology. 36: 380-391
111) Deluen M.**, Blanchet, S., Aubret F., Trochet A., Gangloff E.J., Guillaume O., Le Chevalier H., Calvez O., Carle C., Genty L., Arrondeau G., Cazale L., Kouyoumdjian L., Ribéron A., Bertrand R. (2022) Impacts of temperature on O2 consumption of the Pyrenean brook newt (Calotriton asper) from populations along an elevational gradient. Journal of Thermal Biology. 103: 103166
110) Duval E.**, Blanchet S. , Quéméré E., Jacquin L., Veyssière C., Lautraitre A., Garmendia L., Yotte A., Parthuisot N., Côte J. and Loot G. (2021) Urine DNA (uDNA) as a non-lethal method for endoparasite biomonitoring: Development and validation. Environmental DNA. 3: 1035-1045
109) Blanchet S. and Tedesco P.A. (2021) French vote for river barriers defies biodiversity strategy. Nature. 594: 26-26 [Correspondance]
108) Legrand D. and Blanchet S. (2021) Evolutionary Dynamics of Wild Populations. Genes. In press [Editorial for the Special Issue "Evolutionary Dynamics in Wild Populations".]
107) Guillerault N., Loot G., Blanchet S. , Millet P., Musseau C., Cucherousset J. and Santoul F. (2021) Efficiency of Northern pike (Esox lucius) stocking in metropolitan France at large spatial and temporal scales. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 28: 486-495
106) Prunier J.G.**, Saint-Pé K., Blanchet S., Loot G. and Rey O. (2021) Molecular approaches reveal weak sibship aggregation and a high dispersal propensity in a non-native fish parasite. Ecology and Evolution 11: 6080-6090
105) Raffard A.**, Cucherousset J.,Montoya JM, Richard M, Acoco-Pidolle S, Poésy C, Garreau A, Santoul F. and Blanchet S. (2021) Intraspecific diversity loss in a predator species alters prey community structure and ecosystem functions. Plos Biology. 19(3): e3001145
Reviewed and recommened by PCI Ecology https://ecology.peercommunityin.org/public/rec?id=102&reviews=True
104) Fargeot L., Loot G., Prunier J.G., Rey O., Veyssière C. and Blanchet S. (2021). Patterns of epigenetic diversity in two sympatric fish species: Genetic vs. environmental determinants. Genes. 12, 107.
103) De Kort H., Prunier J., Ducatez S., Honnay O., Baguette M., Stevens V., and Blanchet S. (2021). Life history, climate and biogeography interactively affect worldwide genetic diversity of plant and animal populations. Nature Communications. 12: 516.
102) Côte J., Morisseau O., Pilisi C., Veyssière C., Perrault A., Jezequel C., Loot G., Blanchet S., Jean S. and Jacquin L. (2021). Urbanization and eutrophication as drivers of morphological and physiological divergence among riverine fish populations. Freshwater Biology. In press.
101) Mathieu-Bégné, E.**, Loot, G., Mazé-Guilmo, E., Mullet, V., Genthon, C. and Blanchet, S. (2021). Combining species distribution models and population genomics underlines the determinants of range limitation in an emerging parasite. – Ecography. 44: 307-319
109) Blanchet S. and Tedesco P.A. (2021) French vote for river barriers defies biodiversity strategy. Nature. 594: 26-26 [Correspondance]
108) Legrand D. and Blanchet S. (2021) Evolutionary Dynamics of Wild Populations. Genes. In press [Editorial for the Special Issue "Evolutionary Dynamics in Wild Populations".]
107) Guillerault N., Loot G., Blanchet S. , Millet P., Musseau C., Cucherousset J. and Santoul F. (2021) Efficiency of Northern pike (Esox lucius) stocking in metropolitan France at large spatial and temporal scales. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 28: 486-495
106) Prunier J.G.**, Saint-Pé K., Blanchet S., Loot G. and Rey O. (2021) Molecular approaches reveal weak sibship aggregation and a high dispersal propensity in a non-native fish parasite. Ecology and Evolution 11: 6080-6090
105) Raffard A.**, Cucherousset J.,Montoya JM, Richard M, Acoco-Pidolle S, Poésy C, Garreau A, Santoul F. and Blanchet S. (2021) Intraspecific diversity loss in a predator species alters prey community structure and ecosystem functions. Plos Biology. 19(3): e3001145
Reviewed and recommened by PCI Ecology https://ecology.peercommunityin.org/public/rec?id=102&reviews=True
104) Fargeot L., Loot G., Prunier J.G., Rey O., Veyssière C. and Blanchet S. (2021). Patterns of epigenetic diversity in two sympatric fish species: Genetic vs. environmental determinants. Genes. 12, 107.
103) De Kort H., Prunier J., Ducatez S., Honnay O., Baguette M., Stevens V., and Blanchet S. (2021). Life history, climate and biogeography interactively affect worldwide genetic diversity of plant and animal populations. Nature Communications. 12: 516.
102) Côte J., Morisseau O., Pilisi C., Veyssière C., Perrault A., Jezequel C., Loot G., Blanchet S., Jean S. and Jacquin L. (2021). Urbanization and eutrophication as drivers of morphological and physiological divergence among riverine fish populations. Freshwater Biology. In press.
101) Mathieu-Bégné, E.**, Loot, G., Mazé-Guilmo, E., Mullet, V., Genthon, C. and Blanchet, S. (2021). Combining species distribution models and population genomics underlines the determinants of range limitation in an emerging parasite. – Ecography. 44: 307-319
100) Bertrand R, Aubret F, Grenouillet G, Ribéron A and Blanchet S. (2020). Comment on “Forest microclimate dynamics drive plant responses to warming”. Science. 10.1126/science.abd3850.
99) Prunier J.**, Poésy C.**, Dubut V., Veyssière C., Loot G., Poulet N. & Blanchet S. (2020) Quantifying the individual impact of barriers in freshwaters: A standardized and absolute index of genetic connectivity. Evolutionary Applications. 13: 2566-2581.
98) Jabot F., Laroche F. Massol, F.,Arthaud A., Crabot J., Dubart M., Blanchet S. , Munoz F., David P., & Datry T. (In press). Assessing metacommunity processes through signatures in spatiotemporal turnover of community composition. Ecology Letters. 23: 1330-1339 (see also the preprint)
97) Raffard, A., Santoul F., Blanchet S. & Cucherousset Julien (In press). Linking intraspecific variability in trophic and functional niche along an environmental gradient. Freshwater Biology. 65: 1401-1411
96) Blanchet S.*, Prunier JPG*, Paz-Vinas I*, Saint-Pé K, Rey O, Raffard A, Mathieu-Bégné E, Loot G, Fourtune L & Dubut V (2020) A river runs through it: The causes, consequences and managment of intraspecific diversity in river networks. Evolutionary Applications. 13: 1195-1213 (Special Issue). *co-first authors
95) Manel S, Finn F, Guérin PE, Mouillot D, Blanchet S., Velez L, Albouy C, & Pellissier L (2020) Global determinants of freshwater and marine fish genetic diversity. Nature Communications. 11: 692
94) Therry L**, Raffard A**, Finn F, Koch K, Brodin T, Blanchet S. & Cote J (2020) Does range expansion modify trait covariation? An experimental test in a northward expanding dragonfly. Oecologia. 192: 565-575
93) Baltazar-Soares M., Blanchet S., Cote J, Tarkan AS, Zahorska E, Gozlan RE, & Eizaguirre C. (2020) Genetic footprints of a biological invasion: Introduction from Asia and dispersal in Europe of the topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva). Molecular Ecology. 29: 71-85
92) Rey O., Eizaguirre C., Angers B., Baltazar-Soares M., Sagonas K., Prunier J.** & Blanchet S. (2020) Linking epigenetics and biological conservation: Toward a conservaion epigenetics perspective. Functional Ecology, 34: 414-427 (Special Issue)
99) Prunier J.**, Poésy C.**, Dubut V., Veyssière C., Loot G., Poulet N. & Blanchet S. (2020) Quantifying the individual impact of barriers in freshwaters: A standardized and absolute index of genetic connectivity. Evolutionary Applications. 13: 2566-2581.
98) Jabot F., Laroche F. Massol, F.,Arthaud A., Crabot J., Dubart M., Blanchet S. , Munoz F., David P., & Datry T. (In press). Assessing metacommunity processes through signatures in spatiotemporal turnover of community composition. Ecology Letters. 23: 1330-1339 (see also the preprint)
97) Raffard, A., Santoul F., Blanchet S. & Cucherousset Julien (In press). Linking intraspecific variability in trophic and functional niche along an environmental gradient. Freshwater Biology. 65: 1401-1411
96) Blanchet S.*, Prunier JPG*, Paz-Vinas I*, Saint-Pé K, Rey O, Raffard A, Mathieu-Bégné E, Loot G, Fourtune L & Dubut V (2020) A river runs through it: The causes, consequences and managment of intraspecific diversity in river networks. Evolutionary Applications. 13: 1195-1213 (Special Issue). *co-first authors
95) Manel S, Finn F, Guérin PE, Mouillot D, Blanchet S., Velez L, Albouy C, & Pellissier L (2020) Global determinants of freshwater and marine fish genetic diversity. Nature Communications. 11: 692
94) Therry L**, Raffard A**, Finn F, Koch K, Brodin T, Blanchet S. & Cote J (2020) Does range expansion modify trait covariation? An experimental test in a northward expanding dragonfly. Oecologia. 192: 565-575
93) Baltazar-Soares M., Blanchet S., Cote J, Tarkan AS, Zahorska E, Gozlan RE, & Eizaguirre C. (2020) Genetic footprints of a biological invasion: Introduction from Asia and dispersal in Europe of the topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva). Molecular Ecology. 29: 71-85
92) Rey O., Eizaguirre C., Angers B., Baltazar-Soares M., Sagonas K., Prunier J.** & Blanchet S. (2020) Linking epigenetics and biological conservation: Toward a conservaion epigenetics perspective. Functional Ecology, 34: 414-427 (Special Issue)
91) Côte J, Pilissi C, Morisseau O, Veyssière C, Perrault A, Jean S, Blanchet S, Jacquin L. (2019) Water turbidity affects melanin-based coloration in gudgeon: a reciprocal transplant experiment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 182: 451-459
90) Saint-Pé K.**, Leitwein M., Tissot L., Poulet N., Guinand B., Berrebi P., Marselli G., Lascaux JM., Gagnaire PA. & Blanchet S. (2019) Development of a large SNPs resource and a low-density SNP array for brown trout (Salmo trutta) population genetics. BMC Genomics. 20: 582
89) Mathieu-Bégné E.**, Loot G., Blanchet S. Toulza E., Genthon C. and Rey, O. (2019) De novo transcriptome assembly for Tracheliastes polycolpus, an invasive ectoparasite of freshwater fish in western Europe. Marine Genomics. 46: 58-61.
88) Blanchet S. (2019) Are all the roads leading to Rome?. Peer Community in Ecology. 100011 (Commentary)
87) Raffard A.**, Cucherousset J., Prunier JPG, Loot G., Santoul F., and Blanchet S. (2019) Variability of functional traits and their syndromes in a freshwater fish species (Phoxinus phoxinus): The role of adaptive and nonadaptive processes. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 2833-2846
86) Raffard A.**, Santoul F., Cucherousset J. and Blanchet S. (2019) The community and ecosystem consequences of intraspecific diversity: a meta-analysis. Biological Reviews. 94: 648-661. (link to the preprint: https://doi.org/10.1101/328112)
85) Danchin E., Pocheville A., Rey O., Pujol B and Blanchet S. (2019) Epigenetically facilitated mutational assimilation: Epigenetics as a hub within the inclusive evolutionary synthesis. Biological Reviews. 94: 259-282
84) Trochet A.**, Le Chevalier H., Calvez O., Ribéron A., Bertrand R. and Blanchet S. (2019) Influence of substrate types and morphological traits on movement behavior in a toad and newt species. Peer J.
83) Mathieu-Bégné E.**,Loot G., Chevalier M., Paz-Vinas I. and Blanchet S. (2019) Demographic and genetic collapses in spatially structured populations: insights from a long-term survey in wild fish metapopulations. Oikos. 128: 196-207
82) Therry L.**, Cote J., Cucherousset J., Finn, F., Buoro M. and Blanchet S. (2019) Genetic, plastic and environmental contributions to the impact of a range-expanding predator on aquatic ecosystems. Journal of Animal Ecology. 88: 35-46. See the Special Feature: Eco-evolutionary dynamics across scales.
90) Saint-Pé K.**, Leitwein M., Tissot L., Poulet N., Guinand B., Berrebi P., Marselli G., Lascaux JM., Gagnaire PA. & Blanchet S. (2019) Development of a large SNPs resource and a low-density SNP array for brown trout (Salmo trutta) population genetics. BMC Genomics. 20: 582
89) Mathieu-Bégné E.**, Loot G., Blanchet S. Toulza E., Genthon C. and Rey, O. (2019) De novo transcriptome assembly for Tracheliastes polycolpus, an invasive ectoparasite of freshwater fish in western Europe. Marine Genomics. 46: 58-61.
88) Blanchet S. (2019) Are all the roads leading to Rome?. Peer Community in Ecology. 100011 (Commentary)
87) Raffard A.**, Cucherousset J., Prunier JPG, Loot G., Santoul F., and Blanchet S. (2019) Variability of functional traits and their syndromes in a freshwater fish species (Phoxinus phoxinus): The role of adaptive and nonadaptive processes. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 2833-2846
86) Raffard A.**, Santoul F., Cucherousset J. and Blanchet S. (2019) The community and ecosystem consequences of intraspecific diversity: a meta-analysis. Biological Reviews. 94: 648-661. (link to the preprint: https://doi.org/10.1101/328112)
85) Danchin E., Pocheville A., Rey O., Pujol B and Blanchet S. (2019) Epigenetically facilitated mutational assimilation: Epigenetics as a hub within the inclusive evolutionary synthesis. Biological Reviews. 94: 259-282
84) Trochet A.**, Le Chevalier H., Calvez O., Ribéron A., Bertrand R. and Blanchet S. (2019) Influence of substrate types and morphological traits on movement behavior in a toad and newt species. Peer J.
83) Mathieu-Bégné E.**,Loot G., Chevalier M., Paz-Vinas I. and Blanchet S. (2019) Demographic and genetic collapses in spatially structured populations: insights from a long-term survey in wild fish metapopulations. Oikos. 128: 196-207
82) Therry L.**, Cote J., Cucherousset J., Finn, F., Buoro M. and Blanchet S. (2019) Genetic, plastic and environmental contributions to the impact of a range-expanding predator on aquatic ecosystems. Journal of Animal Ecology. 88: 35-46. See the Special Feature: Eco-evolutionary dynamics across scales.
81) Guillerault N., Loot G., Blanchet S. and Santoul F. (2018) Catch-related and genetic outcome of adult northern pike (Esox lucius) stocking in a large river system. Journal of Fish Biology. 93: 1107-1112.
80) Fronhofer EA., Legrand D., Altermatt A., Ansart A., Blanchet S., Bonte, D., Chaine A., Dahirel M., De Laender F., De Raedt J., di Gesu L., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Laurent E., Little, CJ., Madec L., Manzi F., Masier S., Pellerin F., Pennekamp F., Schtickselle N., Therry L.**, Vong A., Winandy L. and Cote J. (2018) Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2: 1859-1863
79) Saint-Pé K.**, Blanchet S., Tissot L., Poulet N., Plasseraud O., Loot G., Veyssière C. and Prunier J.G.** (2018) Genetic admixture between captive-bred and wild individuals affects patterns of dispersal in a brow trout (Salmo trutta) population. Conservation Genetics. 19: 1269-1279
78) Prunier J.G.,** and Blanchet S. (2018) Using connectivity to identify drivers of local adaptation: A response to Macdonald et al. Ecology Letters. 21: 1121-1123
77) Côte J, Boniface A., Blanchet S., Hendry A.P., Gasparini J. and Jacquin L. (2018) Melanin-based coloration and host-parasite interactions under global change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285: 1879
76) Pujol B., Blanchet S., Charmantier A., Danchin E., Facon B., Marrot P., Roux F., Scotti I., Téplitsky C., Thomson C.E. & Winney I. (2018) The missing response to selection in the wild. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 33: 337-346
75) Paz-Vinas I.,** Loot G., Hermoso V., Veyssières C., Poulet N., Grenouillet G. and Blanchet S. (2018) The systematic conservation planning of intraspecific genetic diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285: 1877
74) Fourtune L.**, Prunier J.**, Paz-Vinas I.,** Loot G., Veyssière C. and Blanchet S. (2018) Inferring causalities in landscape genetics: An extension of Wright's causal modeling to distance matrices. The American Naturalist. 191: 491-508
73) Marmonier P., Maazouzi C., Baran N., Blanchet S. , Saplairoles M., Dole-Olivier M.J., Galassi D., Eme D. and Piscart C. (2018) Ecology-based evaluation of groundwater ecosystems under intensive agriculture: a combination of community analysis and sentinel exposure. Science of the Total Environment. 623: 1353-1366
72) Prunier J.**, Dubut V., Loot G., Tudesque L. and Blanchet S. (2018) The relative contribution of river network structure and anthropogenic stressors to spatial patterns of genetic diversity in two freshwater fishes: a multi-stressors approach. Freshwater Biology. 63: 6-21
80) Fronhofer EA., Legrand D., Altermatt A., Ansart A., Blanchet S., Bonte, D., Chaine A., Dahirel M., De Laender F., De Raedt J., di Gesu L., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Laurent E., Little, CJ., Madec L., Manzi F., Masier S., Pellerin F., Pennekamp F., Schtickselle N., Therry L.**, Vong A., Winandy L. and Cote J. (2018) Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2: 1859-1863
79) Saint-Pé K.**, Blanchet S., Tissot L., Poulet N., Plasseraud O., Loot G., Veyssière C. and Prunier J.G.** (2018) Genetic admixture between captive-bred and wild individuals affects patterns of dispersal in a brow trout (Salmo trutta) population. Conservation Genetics. 19: 1269-1279
78) Prunier J.G.,** and Blanchet S. (2018) Using connectivity to identify drivers of local adaptation: A response to Macdonald et al. Ecology Letters. 21: 1121-1123
77) Côte J, Boniface A., Blanchet S., Hendry A.P., Gasparini J. and Jacquin L. (2018) Melanin-based coloration and host-parasite interactions under global change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285: 1879
76) Pujol B., Blanchet S., Charmantier A., Danchin E., Facon B., Marrot P., Roux F., Scotti I., Téplitsky C., Thomson C.E. & Winney I. (2018) The missing response to selection in the wild. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 33: 337-346
75) Paz-Vinas I.,** Loot G., Hermoso V., Veyssières C., Poulet N., Grenouillet G. and Blanchet S. (2018) The systematic conservation planning of intraspecific genetic diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285: 1877
74) Fourtune L.**, Prunier J.**, Paz-Vinas I.,** Loot G., Veyssière C. and Blanchet S. (2018) Inferring causalities in landscape genetics: An extension of Wright's causal modeling to distance matrices. The American Naturalist. 191: 491-508
73) Marmonier P., Maazouzi C., Baran N., Blanchet S. , Saplairoles M., Dole-Olivier M.J., Galassi D., Eme D. and Piscart C. (2018) Ecology-based evaluation of groundwater ecosystems under intensive agriculture: a combination of community analysis and sentinel exposure. Science of the Total Environment. 623: 1353-1366
72) Prunier J.**, Dubut V., Loot G., Tudesque L. and Blanchet S. (2018) The relative contribution of river network structure and anthropogenic stressors to spatial patterns of genetic diversity in two freshwater fishes: a multi-stressors approach. Freshwater Biology. 63: 6-21
71) Prunier J.**, Dubut V., Chikhi L. and Blanchet S. (2017) Contribution of spatial heterogeneity in effective population size to the variance in pairwise measures of genetic differentiation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 8: 1866-1877
70) Thomas F., Jacqueline C., Tazzio T., Morgane H., Blanchet S., Loot G., Dawson E., Méry F., Renaud F., Montagne J., Beckmann C., Biro P., Rodrigo H. and Ujvari B. (2017) The importance of cancer cell communities for animal evolutionary ecology. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1: 1592-1595
69) Tedesco P.A., Beauchard O., Bigome R., Blanchet S., Buisson L., Conti L., Cornu J.F., Dias M.S., Grenouillet G., Hugueny B., Jézéquel C., Leprieur F., Brosse S. and Oberdorff T. (2017) A global database on freshwater fish species occurrence in drainage basins. Scientific Data. 4: 170141
68) Blanchet S., Prunier J.G.**, and De Kort H. (2017) Time to go bigger: emerging patterns in macro-genetics. Trends in Genetics. 33: 579-580
70) Thomas F., Jacqueline C., Tazzio T., Morgane H., Blanchet S., Loot G., Dawson E., Méry F., Renaud F., Montagne J., Beckmann C., Biro P., Rodrigo H. and Ujvari B. (2017) The importance of cancer cell communities for animal evolutionary ecology. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1: 1592-1595
69) Tedesco P.A., Beauchard O., Bigome R., Blanchet S., Buisson L., Conti L., Cornu J.F., Dias M.S., Grenouillet G., Hugueny B., Jézéquel C., Leprieur F., Brosse S. and Oberdorff T. (2017) A global database on freshwater fish species occurrence in drainage basins. Scientific Data. 4: 170141
68) Blanchet S., Prunier J.G.**, and De Kort H. (2017) Time to go bigger: emerging patterns in macro-genetics. Trends in Genetics. 33: 579-580
67) Rey O.**, Danchin E, Mirouze M, Loot C, and Blanchet S. (2016) Adaptation to global change: a transposable element-epigentics perspectives. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 31: 514-526
66) Fourtune L.**, Paz-Vinas I., Loot G., Prunier J.G.** and Blanchet S. (2016) Lessons from the fishes: A multi-species analysis reveals common processes underlying species-genetic diversity correlations. Freshwater Biology. 61: 1830-1845. See also a companion paper by Seymour and colleagues.
65) Fletcher D.H.**, Gillingham P., Britton J.R., Blanchet S. and Gozlan R.E. (2016) Predicting global invasion risks: a management tool to prevent future introductions. Scientific Reports. 6: 26316
64) Mazé-Guilmo E.**, Blanchet S., Rey, O., Canto N. and Loot G (2016) Local adaptation drives thermal tolerance in parasite populations: A common garden experiment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 283: 2016087
63) Trochet A.**, Le Chevalier H., Baillat B., Barthe L., Pottier G., Calvez O., Riberon A. and Blanchet S. (2016) Intra-specific variability of hindlimb length in palmate newt: an indicator of population isolation induced by habitat fragmentation?. Biology Letters. 12: 20160066
62) Trochet A.**, Dechartre J., Le Chevalier H., Baillat B., Calvez O., Blanchet S. and Ribéron A. (2016) Effects of habitat and fragmented-landscape parameters on amphibian distribution at a large spatial scale. The Herpethological Journal. 12: 73-83
61) Germain M.**, Blanchet S., Loyau A. and Danchin E. (2016) Mate-choice copying in Drosophila melanogaster: Impact of demonstration conditions and male-male competition. Behavioural Processes. 125: 76-84
60) Mazé-Guilmo E.**#, Blanchet S.#, McCoy K.D. and Loot G (2016) Host dispersal as the driver of parasite genetic structure: A paradigm lost? Ecology Letters. 19: 336-347 (# co-first authors)
59) Podgorniak T., Blanchet S., de Oliveira E., Daverat F. and Pierron F. (2016) To boldly climb: behavioural and cognitive differences in migrating European glass eels. Royal Society Open Science. 3: 150655
66) Fourtune L.**, Paz-Vinas I., Loot G., Prunier J.G.** and Blanchet S. (2016) Lessons from the fishes: A multi-species analysis reveals common processes underlying species-genetic diversity correlations. Freshwater Biology. 61: 1830-1845. See also a companion paper by Seymour and colleagues.
65) Fletcher D.H.**, Gillingham P., Britton J.R., Blanchet S. and Gozlan R.E. (2016) Predicting global invasion risks: a management tool to prevent future introductions. Scientific Reports. 6: 26316
64) Mazé-Guilmo E.**, Blanchet S., Rey, O., Canto N. and Loot G (2016) Local adaptation drives thermal tolerance in parasite populations: A common garden experiment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 283: 2016087
63) Trochet A.**, Le Chevalier H., Baillat B., Barthe L., Pottier G., Calvez O., Riberon A. and Blanchet S. (2016) Intra-specific variability of hindlimb length in palmate newt: an indicator of population isolation induced by habitat fragmentation?. Biology Letters. 12: 20160066
62) Trochet A.**, Dechartre J., Le Chevalier H., Baillat B., Calvez O., Blanchet S. and Ribéron A. (2016) Effects of habitat and fragmented-landscape parameters on amphibian distribution at a large spatial scale. The Herpethological Journal. 12: 73-83
61) Germain M.**, Blanchet S., Loyau A. and Danchin E. (2016) Mate-choice copying in Drosophila melanogaster: Impact of demonstration conditions and male-male competition. Behavioural Processes. 125: 76-84
60) Mazé-Guilmo E.**#, Blanchet S.#, McCoy K.D. and Loot G (2016) Host dispersal as the driver of parasite genetic structure: A paradigm lost? Ecology Letters. 19: 336-347 (# co-first authors)
59) Podgorniak T., Blanchet S., de Oliveira E., Daverat F. and Pierron F. (2016) To boldly climb: behavioural and cognitive differences in migrating European glass eels. Royal Society Open Science. 3: 150655
58) Rey O.**, Fourtune L.**, Paz-Vinas I.**, Loot G., Veyssière C., Roche B. and Blanchet S. (2015) Elucidating the spatio-temporal dynamics of an emerging wildlife pathogen using approximate Bayesian computation. Molecular Ecology. 24: 5348-5363
57) Paz-Vinas I.**, Loot G., Stevens V., and Blanchet S. (2015) Evolutionary processes driving spatial patterns of intra-specific genetic diversity in river ecosystems. Molecular Ecology. 24: 4586-4604
56) Shinn C., Blanchet S., Loot G., Lek S. and Grenouillet G. (2015) Phenotypic variation a an indicator of pesticide stress in gudgeon: accounting for confounding factors in the wild. Science of the Total Environment. 538: 733-742
55) Podgorniak T., Angelini A., Blanchet S., de Oliveira E., Pierron F. and Daverat F. (2015) Climbing experience in glass eels: a cognitive task or a matter of physical capacities? Physiology and Behavior. 151:448-455
54) Paz-Vinas I.** and Blanchet S. (2015) Dendritic connectivity shapes spatial patterns of genetic diversity: a simulation-based study. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 28: 986-994
53) Murienne J., Jeziorski C., Holota H., Coissac E., Blanchet S. and Grenouillet G. (2015) PCR-free shotgun sequencing of the stone loach mitochondrial genome (Barbatula barbatula) . Mitochondrial DNA. 22: 1-2
52) Rey O.**, Loot G., Bouchez O. and Blanchet S. (2015) De novo assembly transcriptome for the rostrum dace (Leuciscus burdigalensis, Cyprinidae: fish) naturally infected by a copepod ectoparasite. Molecular Ecology Resources. 15: 684
51) Villéger S., Blanchet S., Beauchard O., Oberdorff T. and Brosse, S. (2015) From current distinctiveness to future homogenization of the world's freshwater fish faunas. Diversity and Distribution. 21: 223-235
50) Mazé-Guilmo E.**, Loot G., Paez, DJ., Lefevre T., Blanchet S. (2014). Heritable variation in variation in host tolerance and resistance inferred from a wild host-parasite system. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 281
49) Cheng L.**, Blanchet S., Loot G., Villéger S., Zhang T., Lek S., Lek-Ang S. and Li Z. (2014). Temporal changes in the taxonomic and functional diversity of fish communities in shallow Chinese lakes: the effect of river-lake connections and aquaculture. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 24: 23-34
48) Blanchet S., Helmus M.R., Brosse S. and Grenouillet G. (2014). Regional vs. local drivers of phylogenetic and species diversity in stream fish communities. Freshwater Biology. 59: 450-462
47) Clavel J., Poulet N., Porcher E., Blanchet S., Grenouillet G., Pavoine S., Biton A., Seon-Massin N., Argillier C., Daufresne M., Teillac-Deschamps P. and Julliard R. (2013). A new freshwater biodiversity indicator based on fish community assemblages. PloS ONE. 8: e80978
46) He Yongfeng**, Wang Jianwei, Blanchet S. and Lek S. (2013). Morphological variation among wild populations of a Chinese rare minows (Gobiocypris rarus): Deciphering the role of evolutionary processes. Zoological Sciences. 30: 475-483
45) Amélie Lootvoet**, Simon Blanchet, Muriel Gevrey, Laetitia Buisson, Loïc Tudesque and Géraldine Loot (2013). Patterns and processes of alternative host use in a generalist parasite: insights from a natural host-parasite interactions. Functional Ecology. 27: 1403-1414
44) Paz-Vinas I.**, Comte L., Chevalier M., Dubut V., Veyssiere C., Grenouillet G., Loot G. and Blanchet S. (2013). Combining genetic and demographic data for prioritizing conservation actions: insights from a threatened fish species. Ecology and Evolution. 3: 2696-2710
43) Blanchet S., Reyjol Y., April J., Mandrack N.E., Rodriguez M.A., Bernatchez L. and Magnan P. (2013). Phenotypic and phylogenetic correlates of geographic range size in Canadian freshwater fishes. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 22: 1083-1094
42) Paz-Vinas I.**, Quéméré E., Chikhi L., Loot G. and Blanchet S. (2013). The demographic history of populations experiencing asymmetric gene flow: combining simulated and empirical data. Molecular Ecology 22: 3279-3291
41) Mesoudi A., Blanchet S., Charmantier A., Danchin E., Fogarty L., Jablonka E., Laland K.N., Morgan T.J.H., Muller G.B., Odling-Smee J.F. and Pujol B. (2013). Is non-genetic inheritance just a proximate mechanism? A corroboration of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. Biological Theory 7: 189-195
40) Stevens, V.M., Trochet, A. Blanchet S., Moulherat S., Clobert J. and Baguette M. (2013). Dispersal syndromes and the use of life-histories to predict dispersal. Evolutionary Applications 6: 630-642
39) Baguette M., Blanchet S., Legrand D., Stevens V.M. and Turlure C. (2013). Individual dispersal, landscape connectivity and ecological networks. Biological reviews 88: 310-326
38) Brosse S., Beauchard O., Blanchet S., Dürr, H.H., Grenouillet G., et al. (2013) Fish-SPRICH: a database of freshwater fish species throughout the World. Hydrobiologia. 1: 343-349
46) He Yongfeng**, Wang Jianwei, Blanchet S. and Lek S. (2013). Morphological variation among wild populations of a Chinese rare minows (Gobiocypris rarus): Deciphering the role of evolutionary processes. Zoological Sciences. 30: 475-483
45) Amélie Lootvoet**, Simon Blanchet, Muriel Gevrey, Laetitia Buisson, Loïc Tudesque and Géraldine Loot (2013). Patterns and processes of alternative host use in a generalist parasite: insights from a natural host-parasite interactions. Functional Ecology. 27: 1403-1414
44) Paz-Vinas I.**, Comte L., Chevalier M., Dubut V., Veyssiere C., Grenouillet G., Loot G. and Blanchet S. (2013). Combining genetic and demographic data for prioritizing conservation actions: insights from a threatened fish species. Ecology and Evolution. 3: 2696-2710
43) Blanchet S., Reyjol Y., April J., Mandrack N.E., Rodriguez M.A., Bernatchez L. and Magnan P. (2013). Phenotypic and phylogenetic correlates of geographic range size in Canadian freshwater fishes. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 22: 1083-1094
42) Paz-Vinas I.**, Quéméré E., Chikhi L., Loot G. and Blanchet S. (2013). The demographic history of populations experiencing asymmetric gene flow: combining simulated and empirical data. Molecular Ecology 22: 3279-3291
41) Mesoudi A., Blanchet S., Charmantier A., Danchin E., Fogarty L., Jablonka E., Laland K.N., Morgan T.J.H., Muller G.B., Odling-Smee J.F. and Pujol B. (2013). Is non-genetic inheritance just a proximate mechanism? A corroboration of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. Biological Theory 7: 189-195
40) Stevens, V.M., Trochet, A. Blanchet S., Moulherat S., Clobert J. and Baguette M. (2013). Dispersal syndromes and the use of life-histories to predict dispersal. Evolutionary Applications 6: 630-642
39) Baguette M., Blanchet S., Legrand D., Stevens V.M. and Turlure C. (2013). Individual dispersal, landscape connectivity and ecological networks. Biological reviews 88: 310-326
38) Brosse S., Beauchard O., Blanchet S., Dürr, H.H., Grenouillet G., et al. (2013) Fish-SPRICH: a database of freshwater fish species throughout the World. Hydrobiologia. 1: 343-349
37) Loyau A., Blanchet S., Van Laere P., Clobert J. and Danchin E. (2012). When not to copy: female fruit flies use sophisticated public information to avoid mated males. Scientific Reports. 2: 768
36) Rey O., Estoup A., Vonshak M., Loiseau A., Blanchet S., Calcaterra L., Chifflet L., Rossi J.P., Kergoat G., Foucaud J., Orivel J., Leponce M., Schultz T., Facon B. (2012) Where do adaptive shifts occur during invasion? A multidisciplinary approach to unravelling cold adaptation in a tropical ant species invading the Mediterranean area. Ecology Letters. 15: 1266-1275
35) Cucherousset J., Blanchet S. and Olden J.D. (2012) Non-native species promote the trophic dispersion of food webs. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10: 406-407
34) He Yongfeng**, Wang Jianwei, Blanchet S. and Lek S. (2012) Genetic structure of an endangered endemic fish (Gobiocypris rarus) in the upper Yangtze River. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 43: 214-225
33) Blanchet S. and Dubut V. (2012) "Back to the future": How archaelogical remains dan describe salmon adaptation to climate change. Molecular Ecology. 21: 2311-2314
32) Andreou A., Vaquie-Garcia J.**, Cucherousset J. ,Blanchet S. , Gozlan R.E and Loot G. (2012) Individual genetic tagging for teleost fishes: an empirical validation and a guideline for ecologists. Journal of Fish Biology. 80: 181-194
31) Blanchet S. (2012) The use of molecular tools in invasion biology: an emphasis on freshwater ecosystems. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 19: 120-132
36) Rey O., Estoup A., Vonshak M., Loiseau A., Blanchet S., Calcaterra L., Chifflet L., Rossi J.P., Kergoat G., Foucaud J., Orivel J., Leponce M., Schultz T., Facon B. (2012) Where do adaptive shifts occur during invasion? A multidisciplinary approach to unravelling cold adaptation in a tropical ant species invading the Mediterranean area. Ecology Letters. 15: 1266-1275
35) Cucherousset J., Blanchet S. and Olden J.D. (2012) Non-native species promote the trophic dispersion of food webs. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10: 406-407
34) He Yongfeng**, Wang Jianwei, Blanchet S. and Lek S. (2012) Genetic structure of an endangered endemic fish (Gobiocypris rarus) in the upper Yangtze River. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 43: 214-225
33) Blanchet S. and Dubut V. (2012) "Back to the future": How archaelogical remains dan describe salmon adaptation to climate change. Molecular Ecology. 21: 2311-2314
32) Andreou A., Vaquie-Garcia J.**, Cucherousset J. ,Blanchet S. , Gozlan R.E and Loot G. (2012) Individual genetic tagging for teleost fishes: an empirical validation and a guideline for ecologists. Journal of Fish Biology. 80: 181-194
31) Blanchet S. (2012) The use of molecular tools in invasion biology: an emphasis on freshwater ecosystems. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 19: 120-132
30) Villéger S., Blanchet S., Beauchard O., Oberdorff T. and Brosse, S. (2011) Homogenization patterns of the world's freshwater fish faunas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 108: 18003-18008
29) Danchin E., Charmantier A., Champagne F.A., Mesoudi A., Pujol B. and Blanchet S. (2011) Beyond DNA: integr ating inclusive inheritance into an extended theory of evolution. Nature Review Genetics. 12: 475-486
27) Cardon M.**, Loot G., Grenouillet G. and Blanchet S. (2011) Host characteristics and environemental factors differentially drive the burden and pathogenicity of an ectoparasite: a multilevel causal analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology. 80: 657-667
28) Cucherousset J., Acou A., Blanchet S., Britton J.R., Beaumont W.R.C. and Gozlan R.E. (2011) Fitness consequences of individual specialisation in resource use and trophic morphology in European eels. Oecologia. 167: 74-85
26) Thomas F., Brodeur J., Maure F., Franceschi N., Blanchet S. and Rigaud J. (2011) Intraspecific variability in host manipulation by parasites. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 11: 262-269
25) Loot G., Poulet N., Brosse S., Tudesque L., Thomas F. and Blanchet S. (2011) Determinants of life-history traits in a fish ectoparasite: a hierarchical analysis. Parasitology. 138: 836-847
29) Danchin E., Charmantier A., Champagne F.A., Mesoudi A., Pujol B. and Blanchet S. (2011) Beyond DNA: integr ating inclusive inheritance into an extended theory of evolution. Nature Review Genetics. 12: 475-486
27) Cardon M.**, Loot G., Grenouillet G. and Blanchet S. (2011) Host characteristics and environemental factors differentially drive the burden and pathogenicity of an ectoparasite: a multilevel causal analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology. 80: 657-667
28) Cucherousset J., Acou A., Blanchet S., Britton J.R., Beaumont W.R.C. and Gozlan R.E. (2011) Fitness consequences of individual specialisation in resource use and trophic morphology in European eels. Oecologia. 167: 74-85
26) Thomas F., Brodeur J., Maure F., Franceschi N., Blanchet S. and Rigaud J. (2011) Intraspecific variability in host manipulation by parasites. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 11: 262-269
25) Loot G., Poulet N., Brosse S., Tudesque L., Thomas F. and Blanchet S. (2011) Determinants of life-history traits in a fish ectoparasite: a hierarchical analysis. Parasitology. 138: 836-847
24) Danchin, E., Blanchet S., Méry F., Wagner R.H. (2010) Do invertebrates have culture? Communicative and Integrative Biology. 3: 303-305
23) Blanchet S., Clobert J., Danchin E. (2010) The role of public information in ecology and conservation: an emphasis on social inadvertent information. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences / The Year in Conservation and Ecology 2010. 1195: 149-168
22) Blanchet S., Rey O., Loot G. (2010) Evidence for host variation in parasite tolerance in a wild fish population. Evolutionary Ecology. 24: 1129-1139
21) Blanchet S., Grenouillet G., Beauchard O., Tedesco P., Leprieur F., Durr H., Busson F., Oberdorff T. and Brosse S. (2010) Non-native species disrupt the worldwide patterns of freshwater fish body size: Implications for Bergmann's rule. Ecology Letters. 13: 421-431
20) Blanchet S., Rey O., Etienne R., Lek S., Loot G. (2010) Species-specific responses to landscape fragmentation: implications for management strategies. Evolutionary Applications. 3: 291-304
19) Loot G., Thomas F., Blanchet S. (2010) "Vicious circles" and disease spread: elements of discussion. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 25: 131-132.
23) Blanchet S., Clobert J., Danchin E. (2010) The role of public information in ecology and conservation: an emphasis on social inadvertent information. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences / The Year in Conservation and Ecology 2010. 1195: 149-168
22) Blanchet S., Rey O., Loot G. (2010) Evidence for host variation in parasite tolerance in a wild fish population. Evolutionary Ecology. 24: 1129-1139
21) Blanchet S., Grenouillet G., Beauchard O., Tedesco P., Leprieur F., Durr H., Busson F., Oberdorff T. and Brosse S. (2010) Non-native species disrupt the worldwide patterns of freshwater fish body size: Implications for Bergmann's rule. Ecology Letters. 13: 421-431
20) Blanchet S., Rey O., Etienne R., Lek S., Loot G. (2010) Species-specific responses to landscape fragmentation: implications for management strategies. Evolutionary Applications. 3: 291-304
19) Loot G., Thomas F., Blanchet S. (2010) "Vicious circles" and disease spread: elements of discussion. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 25: 131-132.
18) Blanchet S., Thomas F., Loot G. (2009) Reciprocal effects between host phenotype and pahtogens: new insights from an old problem. Trends in Parasitology. 25: 364-369.
17) Blanchet S.*,Leprieur F.*, Beauchard O., Staes, J., Oberdorff T. and Brosse S. (2009) Broad-scale determinants of non-native fish species richness are context-dependent. Proceedings B. 276: 2385-2394. (*co-first authors)
16) Méry F., Varela S.A.M., Danchin, E., Blanchet S., Parejo, D, Coolen I., Wagner R.H. (2009) Public versus personal information for mate copying in an invertebrate. Current Biology. 19: 730-734.
15) Blanchet S., Rey O., Berthier P.**, Lek S., Loot G. (2009) Evidence of parasite-mediated disruptive selection on genetic diversity in a wild fish population. Molecular Ecology. 18: 1112-1123.
14) Blanchet S., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2009) Does interspecific competition influence relationships between heterozygosity and fitness-related behaviors in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 63: 605-615.
13) Blanchet S., Méjean L.**, Bourque J.F., Lek S., Thomas F., Marcogliese D.J., Dodson J.J., Loot G. (2009) Why parasitized hosts look different? Resolving the "chicken-egg" dilemma. Oecologia. 160: 37-47
17) Blanchet S.*,Leprieur F.*, Beauchard O., Staes, J., Oberdorff T. and Brosse S. (2009) Broad-scale determinants of non-native fish species richness are context-dependent. Proceedings B. 276: 2385-2394. (*co-first authors)
16) Méry F., Varela S.A.M., Danchin, E., Blanchet S., Parejo, D, Coolen I., Wagner R.H. (2009) Public versus personal information for mate copying in an invertebrate. Current Biology. 19: 730-734.
15) Blanchet S., Rey O., Berthier P.**, Lek S., Loot G. (2009) Evidence of parasite-mediated disruptive selection on genetic diversity in a wild fish population. Molecular Ecology. 18: 1112-1123.
14) Blanchet S., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2009) Does interspecific competition influence relationships between heterozygosity and fitness-related behaviors in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 63: 605-615.
13) Blanchet S., Méjean L.**, Bourque J.F., Lek S., Thomas F., Marcogliese D.J., Dodson J.J., Loot G. (2009) Why parasitized hosts look different? Resolving the "chicken-egg" dilemma. Oecologia. 160: 37-47
12) Blanchet S., Paez D., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2008) An integrated comparison of wild and hatchery born Atlantic salmon: implications for conservation plans. Biological Conservation. 141: 1989-1999.
11) Blanchet S., Loot G., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2008) The interaction of interspecific competition and environmental variability on the diel activity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 65: 1545-1553.
10) Roberge C.*, Blanchet S.*, Dodson J.J., Guderley H., Bernatchez L. (2008) Disturbance of social hierarchy by an invasive species: a gene transcription study. PLoS One. 3(6): e2408. (*co-first authors)
9) Blanchet S., Loot G., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2008) Competition, predation and flow rate as mediators of direct and indirect effects on a stream food chain. Oecologia. 157: 93-104.
8) Loot G., Blanchet S., Aldana M. and Navarrete S. (2008) Effect of human exclusion on parasite reproductive strategies. The journal of Parasitology 94: 23-27
7) Leprieur F., Beauchard O., Blanchet S., Oberdorf T. and Brosse S. (2008) Fish invasion in the world's river sytsems: when natural processes are blurred by human activity. PLoS Biology 6: e28
11) Blanchet S., Loot G., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2008) The interaction of interspecific competition and environmental variability on the diel activity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 65: 1545-1553.
10) Roberge C.*, Blanchet S.*, Dodson J.J., Guderley H., Bernatchez L. (2008) Disturbance of social hierarchy by an invasive species: a gene transcription study. PLoS One. 3(6): e2408. (*co-first authors)
9) Blanchet S., Loot G., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2008) Competition, predation and flow rate as mediators of direct and indirect effects on a stream food chain. Oecologia. 157: 93-104.
8) Loot G., Blanchet S., Aldana M. and Navarrete S. (2008) Effect of human exclusion on parasite reproductive strategies. The journal of Parasitology 94: 23-27
7) Leprieur F., Beauchard O., Blanchet S., Oberdorf T. and Brosse S. (2008) Fish invasion in the world's river sytsems: when natural processes are blurred by human activity. PLoS Biology 6: e28
6) Blanchet S., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2007) Behavioural and growth responses of a territorial fish (Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, L.) to multiple simulated predators. Ethology 113: 1061-1072
5) Loot G., Poulet N., Reyjol Y., Simkova A., Blanchet S. and Lek S. (2007) Effects of small weirs of fish parasites communities. Parasitology Research 101: 1265-1276
4) Blanchet S., Loot G., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2007). The disruption of dominance hierarchies by a non-native species: an individual-based analysis. Oecologia 152: 569-581
3) Blanchet S., Loot G., Grenouillet G. and Brosse S. (2007). Competitive interactions between native and exotic salmonids: a combined field and laboratory demonstration. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16: 133-143
5) Loot G., Poulet N., Reyjol Y., Simkova A., Blanchet S. and Lek S. (2007) Effects of small weirs of fish parasites communities. Parasitology Research 101: 1265-1276
4) Blanchet S., Loot G., Bernatchez L., Dodson J.J. (2007). The disruption of dominance hierarchies by a non-native species: an individual-based analysis. Oecologia 152: 569-581
3) Blanchet S., Loot G., Grenouillet G. and Brosse S. (2007). Competitive interactions between native and exotic salmonids: a combined field and laboratory demonstration. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16: 133-143
2) Blanchet S., Dodson J.J. and Brosse S. (2006). Influence of habitat structure and fish density on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. territorial behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology 68: 951-957
1) Loot G., Poulet N., Reyjol Y., Blanchet S. and Lek S. (2004). The effects of the ectoparasite Tracheliastes polycolpus (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) on the fins of rostrum dace (Leuciscus leuciscus burdigalensis). Parasitology research 94: 16-23
1) Loot G., Poulet N., Reyjol Y., Blanchet S. and Lek S. (2004). The effects of the ectoparasite Tracheliastes polycolpus (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) on the fins of rostrum dace (Leuciscus leuciscus burdigalensis). Parasitology research 94: 16-23